Why Duunia
Why choose Duunia?
Duunia's operations are based on two core values: We Care and Lite Bättre. For us, caring is not just a word – it's a way of doing things. We genuinely care about both our customers and our employees. We offer an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. We have created an encouraging reward system for employees, which applies to both office and rental workers. Additionally, the company has an extended leisure insurance policy that covers all employees.
Lite Bättre. It means that we always strive to be a little better – in our services, employee well-being, and customer satisfaction. We critically evaluate our operations and consider what we could do better. We are not perfect, but with sincerity and respect for every individual, in line with our values, we strive towards perfection.

Duunia's Story
Duunia Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy was founded in the summer of 2021 with the immediate goal of establishing an employment agency that genuinely cares about all its stakeholders. We started our operations by recruiting chefs from the Philippines and offering them and their families job opportunities in Finland. Our operations have gradually expanded to the care sector, with our main services being personal assistants and temporary staffing for daycares.
From the beginning, we have operated according to clear values. Caring is the foundation of our operations – we take care of ourselves and our employees, and we ensure that their well-being is a priority. A well-being and motivated employee brings significantly more value to their employer. We listen attentively to both our employees and our customers.
In addition, we strongly believe in the principle of Lite Bättre. It means that we constantly strive to improve our operations – in small but significant steps. Whether it's employee well-being or customer experience, our goal is always to be a little better than yesterday.
If encounters are not respectful to everyone, we address the issue. For our employees, we have a reward system based on hours worked and an extended leisure insurance.
Lite bättre: In our organizational culture, the idea is that all aspects can be critically examined, considering what could be done better. The improvement doesn't always have to be groundbreaking; small enhancements can have a significant impact.
Contact us, and let's discuss more!